//My Family.
Random Post for today ,
Monday, April 29, 2013 @ 12:12 PM | 0 Talk [s]

Somehow, I miss the day that I love to post anything here and there in this blog. Maybe once, I had think to let this blog go away since there is no one will post - well, actually, no one have time to update and talk nonsense here. Everyone have their own life now, studying, blogging their own blog, facebook, twitter, and so on. Maybe, just maybe, I will think it again and again. Lahh, takkan lah nak buang cenggitu je blog penuh kenangan ni kan.. Walaupun pada hakikatnya, aku je yang manusia yang nak update blog ni. 

After this long journey, after all this days at bumi Tronoh, I miss my hometown badly, erghh -,- Menyesal pulak pilih jauh jauh. Hahaha. Papepun, please read this one thing - The best ever post I think, mostly talk about your own choice and let go this and that. Something like that.

Take a step back. 
Look at yourself. 
You are human. 
You are beautiful. 
You are so beautiful. 
And you can be anything. 
You can be everything. 

Do not hate everyone because 
someone broke your heart, 
or because your parents split up, 
or your best friend betrayed you, 
your father hit you, 
the kid down the street called you fat, ugly, stupid, worthless.

Do not concern yourself with things you cannot control. 
Cry when you need to, 
then let go when it’s time. 
Don’t hand onto painful memories just because you’re afraid to forget. 
Let go of things that are in the past. 
Forget things that aren’t worth remembering. 
Stop taking things for granted. 
Live for something. 
Live for yourself. 
Fall in love. Fall out of love. 
Fall in love. Fall out of love. 
Do this over and over until you what it really is to love someone. 
Question things. 
Tell people how you really feel. 
Sleep under the stars. 
Create. Imagine. Inspire. 
Share something wonderful. 
Meet new people. 
Make someone’s day. 
Follow your dreams. 
Live your life to it’s full potential. 
Just live, dammit. 
Let go of all of the horrible in your life and live. 

And one day, 
when you’re old, 
look back with no regrets.

And so do I, mungkin, mungkin dan mungkin melepaskan segala amarah aku kepada mereka sangat membantu aku untuk hidup lebih lama. Dan mungkin, menjadikan diri sendiri sebagai priority trtnggi dapat mmbantu aku trus hidup lebih jauh nanti. Yoshh, Maybe, should try it,

Apa apa pun, dalam bulan Mac/April yang lepas, ramai yang datang untuk Interview EduCamp for May'13. If not mistaken, this 3rd May, the application status will be announce. ^^, Good Luck and Congrats kalau korang dapat nanti.

p/s : Aku taktau pulak bila lg nk post, jd time ni jelah nk ckp tah pape. -,-

So long, jumpa lagi di post akan datang. Adioss.

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